23 MAY 1931, page 1

Mr. Henderson, We Are Glad To Say, Has Been Invited

to preside over the Disarmament Conference next year. On Tuesday, in asking the European Commission to appoint a Committee on Procedure he took the opportunity to make a speech......

The B.i.s.

The first annual general meeting of the Bank for Inter. national Settlements was held on Tuesday under the chairmanship of Mr. McGarrah, and the representatives Of the......

Editorial And Publlsrino Offices : 99 Gower Street,...

1.—A Subscription to the SPECTATOR coats Thirty Shillings per annum, including postage, to any part of the world. The SpEcrs:rou is registered as a Newspaper. The Postage on......

News Of The Week

Geneva T HE European Commission of the League of Nations appointed to consider the scheme for the closer federation of Europe has met at Geneva, and been in Session alternately......

Parliament On Thursday, May 14th, The Prime Minister Made A

statement on British airship policy. The shadow of the destruction of the R101 ' and with it of the best human knowledge of the subject that we possessed, hung over the House.......

[signed Articles Do Not Necessarily Represent The Views...