Mr. Chamberlain Opened The Attack Vigorously, Exposing...
the Bill and the inconsistencies between the effects threatened and those at which such legislation . as the • Town and Country Planning Bill aimed. .He accused the Government......
Sir Henry Buckingham, Whose Knowledge And Experi- Ence Of...
Tax administration are very wide, spoke forcibly upon the proposed changes, which would cen- tralize administration in" Somerset House and inevitably lead to more and *More......
The National Liberal Federation At The Meeting Of The...
Liberal Federation held at Buxton on May 15th, Mr. Lloyd. George made a brilliant speech in defence of his Parliamentary tactics and carried his audience enthusiastically with......
On Monday Russian Iniquities Were The Subject Of...
of the debate on the Foreign Office vote. Sir Austen Chamberlain had nothing really new to say in attack, nor the Government anything new to say in defence. The Prime Minister......
India Simla Now Waits For London To Fix A Date
for the resump- tion of the Round Table Conference. India's fears that it may not be the very earliest possible date are the more unfortunate in that one of the most hopeful......
Parliament On Thursday, May 14th, The Prime Minister Made A
statement on British airship policy. The shadow of the destruction of the R101 ' and with it of the best human knowledge of the subject that we possessed, hung over the House.......
On Tuesday Leave Was Refused For The Introduction Of A
Hospital Lotteries Bill. We dislike interference with liberty ; we distrust efforts to legislate in moral matters ; but having watched the change in our country as its national......
• * * On Friday, May 15th, The Commons Discussed
our telephones on the Post Office Bill. The Assistant Post- master-General gave a rosy account of development up to now and expected to spend over thirty millions in development......