23 MAY 1931, Page 17


[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] SIB,—As a regular reader of the Spectator I have been much interested in the letters appearing in your correspondence

columns under the heading of Field Paths. I have in my possession, practically complete, the series of " Walker Miles " Field Path Ramblers' Booklets issued before the War, and have enjoyed following their routes many times, and have at various times traversed practically all the paths in Surrey. Would it not be a great advantage if similar books could be compiled dealing with other parts o f the country•, as there is no doubt that many paths exist which are at present very obscure either through neglect or want of knowledge that they are in existence? I should also like to know if the " Walker Miles " Series have been revised recently, or any other edition published which would supersede those mentioned above, which, owing to new roads and extending towns, are more or less obsolete. I would welcome any move- ment that would preserve these field paths for the use of us and our children for all time, while at the same time educating the public in the need for respecting private property and keeping to paths that were by the courtesy of the owners

allowed to be kept open. I think there is a great work open to some organization to form county committees to register and as far as possible keep the various paths open and to see that due respect is paid to private property, etc.—I" am, Sir, &c., W. G. BETTERIDGE. 51 Oxford Street, Weston-super-Mare, Somerset.

[We deal with this subject in a leading article.—En. Spectator.]