Will you allow me to quote without any comment the experience of Mr. S. R. Wells, the Unionist Member for Bedford, as reported in the Bedfordshire Times of May 1 ? :
" Mr. Wells has revealed an astonishing instance of the extent -to which religious propagandists will go in their deeiri3 -to attain their ends. In common with every- other Member of Parliament, he was inundated with printed postcards urging him to vote against the Sunday Performances (Regulation) Bill, add this he did. These postcaids, which bore the postmark of Bedford and 'other places in his constituency, were evoked by various Churches and religious organizations, which, as such, cannot be blamed for what happened. In accordance with his usual practice, Mr. Wells personally acknow- ledged each postcard, but to his astonishment, a large number of his correspondents wrote to him that they had not sent the cards. The only inference is that some of those who did, in their enthusiasm for the cause, swelled the number by using other people's names without consent. Mr. Wells strongly resents this type of propaganda."
W. R. FULLER, General Secretary, The Cinematograph Exhibitors' Association of Great -Britain and Ireland, Broad- mead House, Panton Street, Haymarket.