The annual report of the London Assurance Company shows that for the year ended December 31st last new assurances were granted in the Life department for £2,378,650. The net premium income amounted to £608,101, while the total income of the department from all sources was £943,955. Interest earned was at the rate of £5 8s. 2d. per cent., while at the end of the year the Life Fund amounted to £6,401,292, being an increase et £499,326. In the Fire department. after
transferring £94,838 to profit and loss, the Fire Fund now amounts to £1,250,000, or 98.1 per cent. of the premium income, as Compared with 94.1 per cent. in 1929. The directors have recommended a final dividend of 5s. 10d. per share, less tax, making a total distribution for the year of lls. 3d. per share, less tax. The total assets at the end of the year, including Life Funds, amounted to £12,169,866, as compared with £11,773,129 a year ago.
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