Captain Persius, the well-known German naval writer, has admitted the
truth about the German Navy and the U '-boat warfare. Having read his admissions, we can only say that during the fighting he was even a more hardened perverter of the truth than we had imagined. We should think there can be nothing for him now but to give up the job of naval critic—since none of his readers could in future believe his criticism to be sincere— and take to politics, where truth, unfortunately, matters less. Writing of the battle of Jutland, he says : "Had the weather been clear or Scheer's lpadership less able, the destruction of the whole German Navy would have resulted. As it was, the losses of the German Fleet were enormous, and on June 1st it was clear to every thinking man that the Skager Rack battle must be the only one of the war." That is a very summary treatment of the " great German victory."