Mr. A. P. Nicholson, The Political Correspondent Of The...
News, says that the arrangements for the Peace Congress fall under three heads. In London the Imperial War Cabinet will first determine the policy of the British Empire. All the......
The Casualties Of The British Army In The War Are
officially announced to have been 3,049,991, of whom 658,704 were killed. Unhappily these tremendous figures do not represent the total losses. Three hundred and sixty thousand......
The Small Neutral States Were Threatened Last Week With...
insurrections, doubtless inspired from Berlin, but the Governments stood firm and maintained order. The movement in Holland was directed by M. Troelstra, who has made himself......
The Third Step, Of Course, Will Be The Peace Congress
itself, which will take place at Versailles, with headquarters at Paris. The Congress will begin as early in January as possible. It is scarcely possible that all the British......
Lord Robert Cecil In The Commoas On Monday Made An
important and, on the whole, reassuring statement about Turkey and the Armenians. The War Office had already announced that the Turks must evaouate the Caucasus, where Baku had......
Mr. Boner' Law Announced On Thursday Week That Parliament...
be -dissolved next Monday, and that the . polling in the General Election will take place on December 14th. The votes will: be. counted a fortnight later: We,fear that a large......
The Credulous Folk Who Contrast Turkish • " Chivalry "
with German brutality should read the official Report, published in Thursday's papers, on the treatment of the British and Indian troops who surrendered at Kut after an heroic......
The Czeoho-slovaks, Whose Capacity For Political...
as remarkable as their military efficienoy, called together their National Assembly at the end of last week. The Assembly proclaimed the existence of the free Czecho-Slovak......
President Wilson Has Announced His Intention Of Coming To -
Europe early -in December, after the opening of Congress, in order that he may take part in the discussion on the settlement of the main features of the Peace Treaty. It will be......
It Is Announced From Belgrade That General Franchet...
the Salonika armies, has concluded an armistice with the new Hungarian Oovenunent. Hungary seems to have rid herself ' of King Karl, as a Republic was proclaimed on Sunday last,......
The Text Of Mr. Lloyd George's Letter Of November 2nd -
to Mr. Boner Law, outlining the future policy of the Coalition, was given to the Press last Saturday. He accepted the policy of Imperial Preference as defined at the Imperial......
The True .nature Of The Government Reigning At Berlin Is
still uncertain. A German wireless message of Friday week announced that the "Council of National Plenipotentiarlea," presumably the six Socialists, had appointed -State......