23 NOVEMBER 1918, Page 2

The text of Mr. Lloyd George's letter of November 2nd -

to Mr. Boner Law, outlining the future policy of the Coalition, was given to the Press last Saturday. He accepted the policy of Imperial Preference as defined at the Imperial Conference without.taxes on food. " Key " industries must be maintained.; "dumping" must be discouraged. He would preserve an open mind about methods--" without. any regard. to theoretical opinions . about Free Trade or Tariff Reform." As--for Ireland, he-claisned,thasight.to

put the Home Rule Act- into operation while- excluding ( the six Northern counties of Ulster, avhich‘ he would not coerce ; but any such measure must be postponed " until the condition of Ireland

• makes it possible." In regard to the Welsh Church, the Disestab- lishment Act must stand, but the financial difficulties occasioned by the• war xnust be solved. The electors would be invited to return candidates definitely pledged to support the existing Coalition.