Wool. By Frank Ormerod. (constable. 6s. 6d. Net.)—this...
volume is the first of a series on "Staple Trades and Industries." It gives a short history of the British woollen industry, a description of the trade in its various stages,......
A Bcot Of Anniversaries. Compiled By P. Askell Benton.
(H. Milford. 38. net.)—This attractive little book reoords some of the anniversaries for each day of the year with appropriate quotations in verse or prose. For New Year's Day......
Russia : Its Trade And Commerce. Edited By Arthur...
(P. S. King. 12s. 6d. net.)—Russia has at the moment no trade or eoinmerce. Her chief article of export seems to be Anarchist propa- ganda. But the Bolsheviks will pass away,......
Les Rubaiyat D'omar Kheyyant. Traduits Par Odette St....
St. Lys has made an interesting attempt in this little pocket volume to rend or FitzGerald's first version of his Butaiyat into French verse in the same metre as the original.......