Russia : its Trade and Commerce. Edited by Arthur Raffalovich.
(P. S. King. 12s. 6d. net.)—Russia has at the moment no trade or eoinmerce. Her chief article of export seems to be Anarchist propa- ganda. But the Bolsheviks will pass away, and then this volume of raports by Russian experts on the various branches of their national economy will be useful to merchants and manufacturers desirous of trading with Russia. The book was written in 1915-16, so that the information given is the latest available. A mere glance at the statistics reminds us of the immense possibilities latent in the vast regions over which the Tsar once ruled. The mines and the forests are of inoaleula.ble value, if only they could be developed in a ration al way. The chapter on agriculture is of speoial interest., though the revolutionary turmoil has made it improbable that Russia will be able to feed herself, to say nothing of exporting wheat, for some time to come.