The Allied Armies last Sunday began their march to the
Rhine. The French Army entered Metz on Tuesday under Marshal Petain, news of whose well-earned promotion reached him as he rode into the old Lorraine fortress. Our Allies also occupied Mulhouse, Colmar, and Saverne, which under its German name of Zabern will be remembered for the object-lesson in Prussian militarism that Lieutenant Foratner gave there a year before the war. The restora- tion to France of her lost provinces has thrilled Frenchmen and Alsace-Lorrainers alike with a joy too deep for words. The speech of the French President at Monday's public celebrations in Paris was a superb piece of eloquence, but the speaker betrayed his emotion by repeating again and again "Alsace and Lorraine have become French once more," because, as he said, it was sweet to utter words that had long expressed an aspiration and now were fulfilled.