[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR."] SIE,—Besides the College
War Memorial scheme, involving the partial demolition of Kingsgate Street, referred to by your corre- spondent Miss Moberly, Winchester is threatened with a second scheme by the same architect—viz., the Hants and Isle of Wight We; Memorial. A County Committee headed by Lord Selborne has determined to erect a Gatehouse opposite the west front of the Cathedral, with steps (so blocking the existing carriage-way), terraces, and something which the designer calls "like an old Menhir or Celtic cross." Names, up to eighteen thousand, are to be inscribed on the inner surface of the Gatehouse walls. A meeting—the first public one on the subject—was convened by the Mayor at the Winchester Guildhall on October 14th, When a large and representative gathering condemned the scheme, the only speaker in its favour being Lord Selborne. Leading men in the county, Lord Northbrook, Lord Eversley, and others, have declared against it as being unattractive and out of keeping with the surroundings. If any fresh building is contemplated which affects the Cathedral, surely the people of Winchester have a claim to special consideration since they will constantly have the War Memorial before their eyes. It is earnestly to be hoped that the Committee -will adopt less arbitrary methods; that they will invite and report upon alternative proposals, and evolve some scheme which will commend itself to all as a worthy memorial of our noble Hampshire heroes. The Cathedral and antiquities of this ancient city have a national, not merely local, import- ance. From their admirers everywhere there is sure to be strong protest. Let it be made now while the mischief is still only in the "proposed" stage.—I am, Sir, &c.,