[TO THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] Sm,—In order that the men of the "Old Army" who fought from Mons to Ypres might be recognized and honoured by their fellow- countrymen, H.M. the King, upon his own initiative, instituted a decoration bearing a distinctive riband. It is by this riband that the men may be known, for the " Star " is worn only in "review order" dress, never in " service " dress. It has now been decreed by the authorities that the "Old Contemptibles must, in so short a time, lose this honoured distinction. The same riband is to be worn by the men who fought at Gallipoli. Upless I am hope- lessly wrong in my estimate of the country's feelings in this matter, there will be an immediate and insistent demand that this decision be at once revoked, and that another and equally dis- tinctive riband he given to the men of the Imperial Forces who so nobly earned it at the Dardanelles.—I am, Sir, &c.,