SIR,—My attention was directed to a recent article in the Spectator in which it was stated "that it was a pity that all the would-be women candidates for Parliament were Pacificists." This Is an inaccurate statement. If you will read the enclosed pamphlet you will see that I am no Pacificist. I believe that the war we have just fought and won was a righteous one, and that it was the duty of the newly enfranchised women tp support the country. These views are shared by another of the candidates. Miss Nina Boyle, like myself a member and office-bearer of the Voters' Council. Mrs. How Martyn does not belong to the Voters' Council, but I have every reason to believe that she can by no means be described as a Pacificist. There are seven women standing for election, so I do not think it is fair to print such a
misleading statement.—I am, Sir, &c., EUNICE G. MURRAY. Moorpark, Cardross.
[We are glad to know that there are now several women candi- dates for Parliament who are not Pacificists.—ED. Spectator.]