(To THE EDITOR OP THE " SPECTATOR.") SIR,—In a recent issue you remark that "Cowper-Temple:-in has earned much scoffing from those people who are never satisfied with a good compromise; but it has worked extra- ordinarily well for fifty years, and for our part we should la, very sorry to see it disturbed." This statement of opinion by the Spectator is of course of serious importance, but may I say that I and many others cannot regard either the religious instruction given subject to Cowper-Templeism or the coitus. quent state of the religious life of the country as satisfactory ? I fail to see how religious instruction without explanation given by a, possibly, infidel teacher can result in religiously living children growing up to religiously living men and women. Is not the want of religion apparent on all sides, in political, industrial, social life ? When I read Mr. Fisher's suggestions I sincerely hoped that a satisfactory solution of tl- difficult problem might be obtained. I sincerely trust that this may yet be so. I know full well how many and various are the difficulties in connexion with giving religious instruction satisfactory to the various religious bodies, but if it can 1 e given to Hebrews and Roman Catholics, why not to Anglicans ?