24 APRIL 1920, page 1

In Regard To Income Tax, Mr. Chamberlain Said That He

would adopt the main proposals of the Royal Commission, and would give effect to them by a separate Bill. He would not gain additional revenue, but would lose £2,700,000 this......

The Chancellor Of The Exchequer Went On To Say That

the expenditure for 1920-21 was estimated at £1,184,102,000, while the revenue on the existing basis of taxation was expected to yield £1,341,650,000. While the revenue included......

The Post Office, Mr. Chamberlain Continued, Had Been...

a loss of £3,000,000 last year, and higher wages for postal servants would cost £8,000,000 more this year. To meet this heavy deficit, he must increase the letter postage to......

News Of The Week.

R. CHAMBERLAIN made his Budget speech on .01 Monday. The Budget is marked by great honesty and courage, in spite of some doubtful points ; but as we have commented on the......

Unfortunately Mr. Lloyd George Was Not Present To Hear His

Chancellor of the Exchequer pronounce the doom of the Land Values Duty which was the feature of the Budget of 1909. Mr. Chamberlain said that as his leader's Land Taxes were......

Mr. Chamberlain Then Startled The House By Announcing...

would not abolish the Excess Profits Duty, as had been confidently expected, but would actually increase it from forty to sixty per cent. He proceeded to justify it on the......

Coming At Length To His New Taxes, Mr. Chamberlain Began

with drink. Spirits would pay 22s. 6d. more a gallon, or 72s. 6d. in all—raising the price by 2s. a bottle—and would yield £23,500,000 more this year. Beer would pay 30s. more a......

Mr. Chamberlain Went On To Deal With Direct Taxes. Stamps

had yielded £22,500,000 in the past year, or more than twice as much as before the war. The twopenny stamp on cheques required from September, 1918, had been successful in......

* 4 ,' The Editor Cannot Accept Responsibility For Any...

letters submitted to him, but when stamped and addressed envelopes are sent he will do his best to return contributions in case of rejection.......