24 APRIL 1920, page 2

When The House Debated The Budget On Tuesday, Mr. Asquith

took exception to the treatment of realized assets as revenue, but for which, as he said, the Budget would show a deficit. He expressed regret at the abolition of the Land Value......

Mr. Chamberlain Concluded His Speech By Saying That His New

taxes would yield an additional £76,650,000 this year, and £189,000;000, apart , from the Post Office, in a full year. His total revenue this year would be £1,418,300,000. His......

The Bolshevik Delegates Who Were Supposed' To Represent...

Co-operative Societies are still at Copenhagen. As the Co-operative Societies have been abolished by Lenin, it is clear that the delegates only represent the Terrorists of......

The Morning Post Of Wednesday Publishes An Undesignedly...

written from Moscow by " a prominent Russian " to an English friend—the Morning Post guarantees the genuine- ness of the letter and happens to know the writer—in which among......

Mr. Chamberlain Replied To His Critics On Wednesday. The...

he said, had been more favourably received than he expected, and no practicable alternative to it had been sug- gested. He did' not think that the. higher Wine Duties would......

The Scottish Members Of The House Of Commons On Friday

week had a pleasant debate on Scottish Home Rule—a subject in which no Scotsman of our acquaintance takes any real interest. The debate came to an inconclusive end because there......

We Team From An Excellent Summary Of The German Press

in the current Political Review that moderate Germans.condemn the Government for employing the Monarchist mercenaries to restore order in the Ruhr Valley. It is indeed• hard to......

Mr. Chamberlain Then Startled The House By Announcing...

would not abolish the Excess Profits Duty, as had been confidently expected, but would actually increase it from forty to sixty per cent. He proceeded to justify it on the......

The Supreme Council Of The Allies Met At San Remo

last Sunday. Mr. Lloyd George, M. Millerand, and Signor Nitti, according to semi-official statements, devoted themselves to the completion of the Turkish Peace Treaty, which is......

The Council Of The League Of Nations Has Convened An

Inter- national Financial Conference, to be held in Brussels next month. America has been asked to send representatives. Germany and Austria. may be invited to supply......