24 APRIL 1920, Page 2

The Supreme Council of the Allies met at San Remo

last Sunday. Mr. Lloyd George, M. Millerand, and Signor Nitti, according to semi-official statements, devoted themselves to the completion of the Turkish Peace Treaty, which is to be handed to the Turkish delegates in Paris on May 10th. The League of Nations has refused a mandato for Armenia, on the ground that it has not the power or the resources needed for the task. It is not worth while to chronicle the innumerable and contradictor,/

rumours to which the meeting of the Premiers has given rise. In regard to Germany, however, ones fact emerges. At the instance of Great Britain, the Allies halve warned Berlin that if any Government hostile to the execution of the Peace Treaty were set up, the Allies would cease to facilitatethe supply of food to Germany. The German GOvernmeut, wavering between fear of a new Monarchist rising in Pomerania and distrust of the Trade Unions in Westphalia, still maintain their forces in the neutral zone. They apparently hope that the Allies at San Remo may disagme as to the necessity of enforcing' the terma.of peace.