24 APRIL 1920, Page 22

British delegates to the Peace Conference. The series when com-

plete will include a hundred and sixty works, in twenty-five• volumes, as well as a number of maps. The books resemble• articles from a very good encyclopaedia, and deal with Europe, Asia, Africa, the Pacific, and parts of America, and with special international questions. The British delegates, if they erred at all, did not err for lack of accurate information. The first batch which we have received includes fourteen handbooks relating to the lands of the late Hapsburg Empire ; Slovakia (ls. net), Transylvania and the Banat (2s. net), Croatia-Slavonia and Fiume (2s. net), Dalmatia (2s. net), and The Slovenes (6d. net) may be instanced as useful and impartial accounts of peoples that are little known here. Five other books deal with what our forefathers called the Low Countries—Belgium (5s. net), Luxem- burg and Limburg (ls. 6d. net), Holland (2s. net), The Question of the Schelde (6d. net), and The Neutrality of Belgium (6d. net). The Belgium deals with economics as well as with history, while the Holland is an excellent sketch of Dutch history from the revolt against Spain, with a brief account of the present Constitution. The question of the Schelde is explained clearly in the pamphlet with that title, though little is said about the very real grievances of Belgium. in regard to the Dutch control of the waterway. The Belgian complaint is that the Dutch construe their Treaty rights with a pedantic literalness that is hardly to be distinguished from deliberate obstruction, so that Ghent and Antwerp suffer for the benefit of Rotterdam. These handbooks deserve a wide circulation.