FT0 THE EDITOR OP THE .SPECWATOR.1 SIR,—Being from home, I have only now seen the Spectator of August 10th, and hasten to send you a line to ask you to note and (if you think fit) to correct the figures given on p. 188 respecting overcrowding in New York. You say "there were 2,800,000 persons in 82,000 tenement houses,— that is, an average of nearly 300 persons per tenement." Now 2''" —28.04, and not 300. As this is rather a heavy indict- 132,000 ment against New York, I thought you might wish to publish a correction.—I am, Sir, &c., enemas H. Fox. Henley Villa, lifinehecul, Somerset.
[As most of our readers no doubt discovered, we meant " nearly 30." We regret that an unauthorised "0" should have attached itself to the figure.—En. Spectator.]