Working Men And The Older Universities.
[TO THE EDITOR OP TUB " SPEOTATOR."1 Sin, — The writer of an article in your last week's issue on " Working Men and the Older Universities " asks some one to explain to him how......
The Adult-school Movement.
[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR. "] SIR, —Writing last week on the meeting of working men held at Oxford a fortnight ago to consider how the working classes can beet be fitted......
Animal Panic.
[TO Till EDITOR OP THE "SPROTATOR.1 SIR,—Without for one moment wishing to detract from the omniscience which the author of your article on " Animal Panic" (Spectator, August......
[to The Editor Of The " Spfctatoil"1
SIR,—I read the article on this subject in your last issue. There is nothing strange in the occurrence so graphically described in that article, except the fact that a gentleman......
70 Tub Editor Ot Tub "spectator.'] Sin,—i Should Like To
suggest that the explanation of the incident narrated in your most interesting article in last week's issue is to be found perhaps in what I may call inherited memory. The young......