A History Of The Royal And Ancient Golf Club, St.
Andrews, 1754 - 1900. By H. S. C. Everard. (W. Blackwood and Sons. 21s. net.)—The book begins with an interesting chapter on "Dutch Golf" from the pen of Mr. James Cunningham.......
Winchester College, 1836-1906: A Register. Edited By John...
(P. and G. Wells, Winchester.)— Mr. Wainewright tells briefly in his preface the history of his book. It is an enlargement and continuation of Mr. Clifford Wyndham's "......
The Log Of The Blue Dragon,' 1892 - 1904. Written By Various
Hands. Revised and Set Forth by C. C. Lynam, M.A. (A. H. Bullen. 6s. net.)—Mr. Lynam in former years had a ` Dragon,' which in 1891 was wrecked on the Happisburgh Sands, on the......
Gardening In Town And Suburb. By Harry H. Thomas. (long-
mans and Co. 2s. 6d. net.)—" The town or suburban garden must necessarily have its limitations, and it goes without saying that it has possibilities." With these words the......
Dictionary Of Hymnology, Edited By John Sullen, D.d....
21s. net), appears in a second edition. This has been revised throughout, and much matter, either new or not noticed in the first issue, has been collected in a supplement. The......