[To TEE EDITOR OE THY "SPECTATOR."] SIR,—Possibly you may find space for the following dog story, which seems to show the value of these animals as a pre- servative against snakes. Last Sunday night we were sitting in the verandah, and our two Dachshund puppies, about four months old, were playing by a wooden box on which the chuprassie site by day. A doormat had been placed on it. The dogs began to growl, so I took a lantern, but could see nothing, when, as I thought, the wick of the lantern began to fizzle. However, the light was burning steadily, the hissing continued, so we got a spear and tipped up the box. Out came a young cobra, hissing angrily, which was soon despatched. We bad killed one of its parents in the compound a few days before.—I am, Sir, &c.,
Gujarat College, Ahmedabad, August 2nd.