The Marriage Lease. By F. Frankfort Moore. (Hutchinson and Co.
6s.)—Mr. Frankfort Moore gives us in his new novel an account of a social experiment tried in the " State of Azalea," this being a State founded by an enterprising millionaire to establish ideal conditions of government. Some years after the foundation of the State the Government of the day brings in a Bill for making marriages "leasehold" instead of " freehold." The forward members of tho Reform party limit the marriage lease to a term of three years, and Mr. Frankfort Moore very cleverly points out the extraordinary series of disasters that overtake the community which even for one year tries an experiment of this sort. It must be premised that in the State of Azalea the babies from one year old are brought up by the State. In fact, in this respect a very complete system of Socialism prevails. The story may be recom- mended as a useful object-lesson to people who are inclined to allow the State a too paternal part in the government of the country.