The Westminster Gazette of Monday draws attention to a very
curious incident described in the Norwood Observer of last Saturday. It appears that Mr. Stewart Bowles, the anti-Tariff Reform Unionist Member, on the previous Monday attended a meeting of the Conservative Council to explain his views, votes, and future intentions,—these having been arraigned by the Tariff Reformers. After Mr. Bowles bad declared that he would never lend a hand to taxing the food of the people, a resolution was carried nem. con., a certain number of delegates refraining from voting, to the following effect:—" This meeting of the Norwood Conservative Council, consisting of delegates from each Unionist organisation in the division, having considered a letter addressed to the chairman (Alderman S. C. Hunt) by the Right Hon. Arthur James Balfour, M.P., expresses its opinion that the interests of the Conservative Party in Norwood can best be attained by a loyal support of the sitting Member, Mr. George Stewart Bowles, M.P."