[To THE EDITOR OF TIM " SPECTATOIL1 SIR—In connection with the article in the Spectator of December 17th on the above subject, the following record may be of interest. Ten years ago, while on a visit to the sheep-run of the Hon. Philip Russell, the owner of. the (then) celebrated Carngham flock of merino sheep in Victoria, I was shown by him a prize merino ram from Tasmania, for which he had paid no less than 23,500. In reply to my inquiry how it co uld possibly pay to give such a price for a single e:nimal, my host assured me that the cost of the ram had been covered in a few years, owing to the great improvement effected in the quality of his flock, and the consequent increase in his annual wool-clip. I have photographs of several members of this distinguished flock, and their appearance is exactly that described by the writer of your article.-1 am, Sir, &c., Dorney Wood, Burnham, Bucks. PAGET TOYNDEE.