Rhodesia. And Its Government.
[To TIM EDITOR Or THE * SPECTATOR:] Sin,—I have read with great interest the review of Mr. Thomson's book on "Rhodesia and its Government" in the Spectator of December 17th, and......
Cuba And The Americans.
[To TEE EDITOR OF TEE "SPECTATOR."] SIE, — The enclosed extract is from a letter recently received. The writer is travelling in Cuba on business, his first visit to the island.......
Rto The Editor Of The " Spectator:1 Sir,—surely Your...
in the Spectator of December 17th does the intelligence of the " Baronne" injustice. Her director probably taught her that our Lord was not "a Jew." But in this all Catholic......
Children And Their Kitchen-love.
[TO TEE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] Sin,—The suggestive article on "Children's Friendships" in the Spectator of December 10th reminds me of a hard saying of Mill's that, at......
Our Animal Aristocracy.
[To THE EDITOR OF TIM " SPECTATOIL1 SIR—In connection with the article in the Spectator of December 17th on the above subject, the following record may be of interest. Ten years......