Lord Salisbury's Remarks On Ritualism Showed That Insight...
of mind which give such special value to his speeches. Sir William Harcourt proposed to let any one bring an action against any officer of the Church, and by law force him to do......
A Peace Meeting In Support Of The Czar's Proposal, Called
by Mr. Stead, was held in St. James's Hall on Sunday, and though not very largely attended, except by ladies, many letters of sympathy from eminent persons were received and......
The Very Able Vienna Correspondent Of The Times Sends To
Tuesday's paper an account of a remarkable article which appeared last Sunday in the Vaierland, the organ of the Austrian Catholic party. The article in question describes the......
In A Letter Sent To Tuesday's Papers The Duke Of
Argyll answers a correspondent who had asked him what hope there was of a reconstructed Liberal party in language which is trenchant even for him. There is no Liberal party, he......
On Thursday Mr. Balfour, Speaking At The Two Kindred And
seventeenth anniversary dinner of the Edinburgh Merchants' Company—a corporation with an income of 285,000 a year and about 21.000,000 of accumulated capital—paid a, handsome......
It Is Becoming Evident, However, From All That Mr. Stead
publishes and his informants say, that a definite scheme underlies all the vague talk. This is to arrest the further development of fleets, and thereby to save the great......
The British Government Has Officially And Formally Recog-...
King of Siam as the secular head of Buddhism throughout Asia,—a very odd incident. It has come about in this way. In January last a number of relics of Gautama Muni were found......