The very able Vienna correspondent of the Times sends to
Tuesday's paper an account of a remarkable article which appeared last Sunday in the Vaierland, the organ of the Austrian Catholic party. The article in question describes the activity of the Russians in Syria and Palestine,—the instrument for that activity being a missionary society which 15 inspired, controlled, and assisted by the Imperial Government. Not only has this society a great establishment at Jerusalem —in fact a Russian colony—and an organisation for helping Russian pilgrims. It has also a network of primary schoo.18 all over the Holy Land. In these schools Russian alone It taught, and the schoolmasters converse with the children ex. elusively in the Russian language. The Vaterland goes on 10 say that Russia's object is politics.L Very likely; but we can' not see that this is a ground for British annoyance or jealowl. If the other Churches are being "cut out," let them g° and do likewise. To deny the Syrians the benefits of an education which is admittedly good, out of dread of Russia, seems to us monstrous. Probably the motives of the sub- scribers to the Russian society are partly patriotic and partly religions. They want to see Syria Rassified, and also con- certed to the Orthodox Church, and the Russian Government, which wants the same things, helps them lavishly. France and Germany, who each think Syria will some day fall to them, may be alarmed, but those who do not want Syria may bear its Russification with perfect composure. Remember that Syria is always at the mercy of those who command the sea, as Herod knew, and as Napoleon and Mehemet Ali both dis- covered when it was pointed out to them by British Admirals.