SIR,—For some years prior to 1897 my only relaxation from much physical labour and mental worry was open-air preach- ing of what I believe to be the Gospel according to Jeans Christ. In the great open spaces where this was done,. representatives of many phases of thought, religions and irreligious, met, and necessarily fought hard each for his owls view. Shallow as most of our ideas were (again necessarily), one thing was very noticeable, the arrogance with which all opponents of the Christian idea of faith paraded the infalli- bility of science. With such light as I had, I always main- tained that science (truly so-called) could never be antagonistic to that divine gift of faith in an immanent though unseen God which is taught in simplicity and perfection in the Bible alone. Somehow this view which I tried to promulgate met with much acceptance among those immense gatherings of workmen, and you can easily imagine my delight at reading your enbleader, which has put into vivid virile words my own inchoate thoughts upon the subject. —I am, Sir, &c., FRANK T. EIILLEN, F.R.G.S.