24 DECEMBER 1898, Page 16



Sin,—As you take an interest in our friendship with all' living creatures, may I ask in your columns for any hints as to how to enlarge the circle of my bird acquaintances in town? Even my little experience proves that one can attract birds which otherwise one never sees in a city. Hempseed is su cient to bring greenfinches to the window ; while &tomtit) pays daily visits to a cocoa-nut which (with ends out off)Ut hung from a projecting stick. For some days this ohrct scared even the sparrows; and one felt that to lose all the bourgeois population would be too dear a price to pay for the favour of the dapper little aristocrat ; but their fear did not last long. I would be grateful to be told of any other kindly lures, but especially whether it is possible to convince the birds that one is not a dangerous stranger of whose arrangements they cleverly take advantage, but a friend who

cares for them.—I am, Sir, Ac., A BIRD-LOVER.