[TO THE EDITOR OF THE SPECTATOR."] am very much obliged to you for your kindly review of Bishop Wilson's maxims in the Spectator of December 3rd, and to Mr. Tollemache for the interesting personal contribu- tion concerning the good Bishop's birthplace. May I be allowed to point out that in one particular Mr. Tollemache Is inaccurate? The "maxims" are not taken from the "Sacra Private," but from an independent work. As I showed in the Preface to the new edition, they are his commonplace books, arranged first by Cruttwell and now by myself under topical headings. Some of them found their way into the "Sacra Privets," but the maxims are more germinal, and therefore fresher, than the maturer work. This, as Matthew Arnold Iso well said, constitutes one of their charms and elements