24 DECEMBER 1898, Page 24



The Pied Piper of Hamelin. (V 7s.)—In a prospectus Mr. 'Harry Quilter says that this book is "designed, drawn, and pub- lished by Harry Quilter, M.A., and written and ornamented by gdary Quilter." Moreover, he claims that the work is unique Among modern books, inasmuch as it is written and not printed, the writing being produced in facsimile with the illustrations. Certainly the wealth of invention lavished on these pages is great, though the number of hours devoted to the work, of which we are -4.11c1 in the prospectus, seems immaterial The best things in the book are to be found in the borders round the pages. Some of these are full of fancy and spirit. The design of the Hamelin town bells ringing, with the scared owls flying out of the belfries is quite delightful. Indeed, it might be described as a Canto Pm-mo of bells with a counterpoint of owls. Another excellent design is one made up of the bats, newts, toads, moles, and rats, and other fearful wild-fowl upon which the piper says be can exercise his skill. Altogether the book produces a pleasant effect of unity. There is plenty of variety, but there is also the effect of a whole. Collectors of beautiful books are likely to value it greatly.