The John Stmnp, from Bombay, reported in our last as arrived off Liverpool, was totally wrecked ill the coast of Ireland on the morning of the 17th instant. and seven of the crew drowned.
Arrived—At Gravesend, Fel). 191,11, Enterprise, Tiesen, from New South Wales; and 2211, Adelaide, Guthrie, from Bengal. In the Downs, 251, stratheden. in. ; and Minerva, Ireland, from Madras. In the Channel. Sir E. Paget, Hall, from ditto ; Prince George, Chilcot ; and Iris, Ilackwood, from Colon; Ranger, Herbert, from the Cape; Minerva, Brown ; Warrior. S..011(1; and lean lilddie,..-••••-•••, HIM Bengal ; Angns• tits, Carr; and Louisa, M'Cutcheon from Mauritius. At Liverpool, 21st, Isabella cooper, Currie; from Bengal. Off ditto. 22d, Ripley, Stewart, from ditto. At St. Helena, Dec. 19th. Sultan food; and 20th, D. Wheeler, Hooch, from Bengal ; '29th, ('ore. Palmer ; Jan. 1st, senator. Grindlay ; and 91. Mary Taylor. Early. from Mauri- tius; William Harms, — ; and Amwell, lease, from Bengal ; 7t h,Ilnratio,!lowland, from China ; and Palmyra, Leakier. from Manritins. At the Cape, Dec. 3.1, Martha, Baylis; 5th, Triumph, them& ; Stratfieldsaye, Walker; 7th, Roxburgh Castle. Comber. Fred; 8th, Catherine, Brown ; 10th, Ann Gales, (tiles; Black Joke, Miller ; Patriot, Batten ; and %Owe Parley ; all from London; .1ohn Marsh, Clueas. from Bengal ; atul mennora, Wallace, from Liverpool: 16th, Felix, Leman, from London ; 18th, Argyle, ItPDonald; and 19th, Comet, Iladden, from Bengal ; tW, Wilco.), Miller, from Llsnelly; 21st, Upton Castle. Williams; and 22d, Waterloo. (7ow, from London. 25th. Hope, Coombes; and Renown, NPLean, from Bengal. At China. Aber Robin- Fan, Scott, front London. At New South Wales. Augusta Jesse, B.Inabre; Lord W. Brutinck, Doughty ; and Charles Kerr. Arnold. from London.
Sailed—From Gravesend, Feb. 18th, Ludy Burnes, Hiles. for China ; 21st, Lysander. Currie, for Bengal ; and Indus, M'Farlane, for Bombay. From Livery. ol, 20th, Cou- rier, Smith, for Bengal.