At The Marlborough Street Office, On Saturday, Samuel...
as " Young Dutch Sam," a prize-fighter, was charged with as- saulting a Policeman, and Lord Waldegrave with an attempt to rescue him. Evans was ordered to find bail, and Lord......
At A Meeting Of The Common Council, On Thursday, Pieces
of plate, voted by the Corporation, were presented to the Sheriffs of last year. The Lord Mayor and Sheriffs delivered speeches on the occasion. A meeting, to petition......
A Court Of Compensation Was Appointed To Be Held A
few days since at the Town-hall, to award compensation to Mr. Leary, of the White Swan, Joiner's Street, the Greenwich Railway having destroyed the trade on his premises. Mr.......
Fjt Countrp.
Sir James Graham was elected, on Tuesday, Member for Pe m- broke, without opposition. In a long speech from the hustings, he harped on the string which he struck with some......
Rbr Itittropolig.
Sir Samuel Whalley's abandonment of his seat for Marylebone will give rise to a hard contest for the representation of that important borough. Four candidates arc in the field—......