A Court of Compensation was appointed to be held a
few days since at the Town-hall, to award compensation to Mr. Leary, of the White Swan, Joiner's Street, the Greenwich Railway having destroyed the trade on his premises. Mr. Sergeant A rabin, with the counsel and Jury, were in attendance at eleven o'clock ; but as no business could be transacted without the presence of two Aldermen, and not one attending, an officer was despatched to various parts to find two ; but without success. After waiting two hours, Mr. Valiance offered to go into the City and kidnap two Aldermen if possible ; but he returned without having succeeded. The consequence was, that no Court was formed ; and as the expenses of the day amounted to 1501., it is said to be the intention of the parties to proceed against those Aldermen who were summoned to attend for the penalty of 501., which they have each incurred.—Standard.
The Middlesex Magistrates had a meeting on Thursday. The re• port of the visiting Justices of the House of Correction was read, and gave rise to a long discussion on the separate and silent system of pri- son discipline. It appeared that children of about ten years of aaggee were confined for months together in solitary cells ; and one girl, only seven years and a half old, had been in a separate cell for several weeks. Some prisoners had been made idiots by the system of solitary con finement. The report was referred buck to the Justices, with a re- quest that they would enlarge it with additional facts.