The Accounts From Spain Are Almost Unintelligible. The...
chief BASILI0 seems to be the great terror of the Royalists. Re plunders the country in all directions, and appears in districts where he is least expected, at the head of a......
New York Papers, To The 29th Of January, Furnish Some
addi- tional particulars of the proceedings of the malecontents on the Canadian frontier ; but they are even more vague than usual. It is said — for nothing can be stated as......
News Of The Week
• THE Parliamentary history of the week has not been signalized Lv any great party struggle, neither has any bill of importance passed into a law : nevertheless, the proceedings......
Some Alarm Prevails In Portugal, In Consequence Of...
that Don MIGUEL is about to attempt an invasion. The Minister of War made a statement to that effect in the Cortes. Many Miguelites had gone to the Carlist......
The Continental News Does Not Improve In Attractiveness....
said that the Frertsh Chimber of Deputies has resolved to force the reduction of the interest on the Five per cent. Stock upon the Ministry ; also to cut down the sum asked for......
Otbatril Anti Taractetringst In Tladiament.
SLAVERY. In the house of Lords, on Tuesday, Lord BROUGHAM moved two sets of resolutions, the first having reference to the suppression of the Slave-trade, the second to the......