The Continental news does not improve in attractiveness. It is
said that the Frertsh Chimber of Deputies has resolved to force the reduction of the interest on the Five per cent. Stock upon the Ministry ; also to cut down the sum asked for secret service money, and the proposed vote for public works. It seems that in France, as in this country, it is difficult to say how much a public under- taking, managed by the Government, will cost. In 1833, three millions and a half of francs were voted to " finish" a building on the Quai D'Orsay : in 1836, six hundred thousand more; and sow, the Ministers ask for an additional sum exceeding a million and a half for the same building. Already have fifteen millions of francs (280,0001.) been laid out upon this edifice, and it is not yet settled to what use it is to be applied. Meanwhile, the expendi- ture of the money has been useful to the Government. The Legislative Council of Martinique had exhibited an incli- nation to give the Governor some annoyance ; and the news from the colony created uneasiness in Paris.