All descriptions of English Stock are from to per cent. lower than lest week ; although money still continues abundant, and the premium upon &- quer Bills has not suffered any material depression. The transactious have been few ; and we are inclined to refer the altered state of the market to the fact, that one or two shipments of gold have been made to America. By the last advices from the Vnion, it appears that some of the banks are making preparations to resume the cash payments, which the recent financial difficul- ties had compelled them to suspend. Our more wary capitalists doubtless look with alarm to any revival of the demand for gold in America ; remembering the effects produced by it upon our whole commercial system during last rear. It is not therefore surprising, that the dist appearance of twill a demand occur• ring should produce an effect upon the Money Market. • Bank Stuck We nn prom; the being 2054, which (is 17 per cent. above the quota- ations of the last few days. India Honda have been done toslay at 57 prem. ; tend Exchequer Bilk have been firm at from 54 to 57 prem. In the Foreign Market, Dutch Stock is the only one of the European Conti- nental Stocks that has declined ; the Two-and-a-half per Cents. have been at ,),34, and are quoted to-day at 534. Danish, Belgian, and Russian, all main- tain their previous quotations. Brazilian Bonds have shown a tendency to improve, and have been steady at between 73. and 74/. The other South American Stocks are from I to 14 per cent. lower. Mexican Bonds have also declined in nearly a similar proportion. We are not aware that this depression is traceable to the receipt of any intelli- genre from the countries themselves; it is merely the reaction of speculation. Spanish Active Stock has fallen about 4 per cent. ; the anticipations of pecuniary assistance to the Government not having been realized, and the paw. chases on Foreign account, which have long been the main support of the market, having ceased.
Portuguese Stuck is also lower : indeed there seems little immediate hope for the holders of any description of Peninsular Securities.
The Railway Shares are without any material variation from our last prices. The only fluctuations that have occurred have been confined to the lower.priced shares. The Blackmail have improved from 6% to 7 ; the Brighton from 4/ to 5; and the South Durham from 7s. 6d. to 21. The Manchester and Bir- mingham are heavy ; the market being kept down by the sales of the forfeited shares recently apportioned among the shareholders. SATURDAY. TWELVE O'CLOCK. All the English Funds are at yesterday's prices, with very little doing. In the Foreign Market, Spanish Active is 4 higher; but all the other Foreign Stocks are at previous quotations. The Railway Shares continue firm ; Great Western 19 20 prem. ; London and Birmingham 73 76 prem. ; Southampton, Old, 10 9 dis. ; Ditto, New, 17 prem. ; • Greenwich 174 18% per share ; Black. tall 611 3 ditto; Brighton 5 prem. ; Manchester and Birmingham 2 prem.
3 twr Cent. Consols 924 a Brazilian 5 per Cents
731 4
Ditto for Account 9114 4 Danish 74+ 5
3 per Cent. Reduced 93a a Dutch 24 per Cents
Sew 31 per Cent. Anus 1001 11 53)1 4
Portuguese Regency 6 p. Cts. 27 274 Bank Stock 204 5 Ditto 3 per Cent. ludiaStork 263 4
Rnssian(182215 per Cent .J113701131
55 57 Ditto Bonds Spanish (1935) 5 per Cent... 191 19t Exeliertner Bills 54 56 Deferred Stock 7 '71
lielgi Passive Ditto au 5 per Cents Dig 4 44