Quartetto Conccrlante, for Pionrfiirle, Violin, Viola, and Violoncello. Composed by II. WI:senor.
Mr. WesTrtor, we believe, is one of the Norwich school of musi- cians, of which Dr. BEcKWETII, the accomplished organist of the Ca- thedral of that city, may be said to have been the founder : a school which has given us VAUGHAN, PERRY, (the composer of the Fall of Jerusalem,) and the Oxford as well us the Gresham Professor of Music. Mr. WESTROP, in this composition, which is only his Op. 2, has evinced the same sound and extensive knowledge of his art as the other members of the fraternity to which Ile belongs. His Quartet bespeaks a fertile invention and ajudicious and cultivated taste, as well as a thorough knowledge of all the instruments for which be writes. We suspect, from the rareness of his publications, that he has had the good sense to write for improvement before he ventured to write for publication ; an instance of uufrequent and commendable prudence and good sense. There are few composers now living who need be ashamed to have attached their names to this composition.