At a meeting of medical practitiol. - the county of
Yolk, wh:cli was held a DradCol.d on 1',i.l:• I 'us resolutions were
;Andel' for petitionitra. Parliament to p. %]:1-.: to the licensing 'mules of the :duce,-ion some summary .a. , :is .':gputtin; done quacks and unlicensed practition, .1,1,,:rh d-o ignorance the
lives of the people are euatinually put in iford
A huge mill, for the spinning of carton yarn, Las recently been erected on the canal-bank, at the north end of Liverpool. It has ten built by 'Mr. Aspinall Turner, of l‘lititchester, cued is the first the: has been erected in Liverpool. It is therefore somewhat of an experiment; but from the cheapness of fuel, the goodness of the situation, and the abundance of hands at the north end of the town, one that has every prospect of' success. The mill is on such a scale as to enable the spi- rited proprietor to try the experiment fairly; and should it succeed, it is probable that it will be greatly enlarged. At present the machinery is worked by engines of 160-horse power. It is all of the newest and most improved description. There ate already some hundreds of chil- dren employed in the mill ; and when tini,he I, we believe it will give employment to upwards of a thousand.—Litarve;:l Telegraph.
'Hie London and Birmingham Railway is likely to be opened from Tring to Denbigh Hall, in three weeks from the termination of the frost, and from Rugby to Birmingham in three weeks more. The works at Kilsby are proceeding rapidly ; and it is confidently anticipated that the whole line twill be opened in the course of the autumn of this year. —Northampton Mercury.