The French Minister of Commerce has submitted to the Chambers
a magnificent proposition, which we have no doubt, after it goes through the form of a committee, will be at once adopted by the Legis- lature. That proposition is to make Paris a common railroad centre, and to unite in it four grand branches which are to traverse the whole kingdom, North, South, East, and West. One is to extend to Lisle, opening the communication with Belgium ; another to Lyons, which gives the route to Switzerland and Italy ; another to Bordeaux, bring- ing France to the Spanish frontier ; and the last, in which we are most concerned, to Havre, by which the coasts of England and France will almost touch upon each other, and the journey between Loudon and Paris be made in a few hours.—Morraing Post.
Sir. Maberley is endeavouring to establish a large manufactory of linen thread in France.