Monsieur ACHARD has been summoned back from Boulogne to supply
the place of M. L'HERIE, who, we regret to find, is not likely to reappear. In the interim, the favourite piece Les 2Ifemoires du Diable has been performed very effectively ; exhibiting the talent of the permanent company, several members of which are excellent come- dians. M. GASTON appeared as Robin, the notary's clerk, who " plays the Devil" with the spoilers of the widow, to whom and her daughter he appears an angel : he has not the air diabolique of M. RHozsarm, who filled the part last season ; but he is more earnest and impassioned— he looks the ardent lover whose happiness is staked on the success of his scheme. M. CARTIGNY as the seeming idiot is inimitable ; his " oui " and "non," like Parliamentary votes, have more meaning than many long speeches.