A Fresh Piece Of Pleasantry (from The French, Of Course)
was pro- duced at the Haymarket on Thursday, under the title of Grist to the A miserly Marquis is surprised in his dilapidated chateau by a royal visiter, who rates him for his......
The Theatres.
THEATRICAL entertainments have assumed so decidedly sensual a cha- racter—using the term only as the converse of intellectual—that the ballet is become a principal ingredient.......
" General Tom Thumb," The Tiny Attraction At The Princess's,
is an extraordinary speck of humanity, that should be exhibited on a table in a parlour, and not on the stage of a theatre. His American diminu- tiveness is a prodigy in his way......
Monsieur Achard Has Been Summoned Back From Boulogne To...
the place of M. L'HERIE, who, we regret to find, is not likely to reappear. In the interim, the favourite piece Les 2Ifemoires du Diable has been performed very effectively ;......
Topics Of The Day.
THE PRO-CORN-LAW LEAGUE. " MELIOR casus possidentis," says the gibberish of the civilians. Because he has two chances where the claimant has only one : the failure of the......