A New Plea For The Old Bailey.
Novsurx is not less required—and it is more attended to—in the performances at the Old Bailey than in those either of Parliament or the Theatres. The plea of " alibi" may indeed......
Mr. Macaulay.
MR. MACAULAY'S speech in the Irish debate is generally and justly spoken of as one of his very happiest efforts. There is more free- dom in it—less of stilted sentence-making—a......
Spectator's Library.
Lidoons,nr. Memoir and Correspondence of Mrs. Grant of Laggan, Author of Letters from the Mountains," " Memoirs of an American Lady," etc. Edited by her Son. J. P. Grant, Esq.......
English Chancellors. — Sir Robert Peel, Who Is Fond Of...
mentioned last night a striking fact, in the number of men who have risen, within the last eight or ten years, from the comparatively obscure social posi- tion in which they......