24 FEBRUARY 1844, Page 9


The Kilmarnock Journal states that Mr. Alexander Johnston has no intention of resigning his seat ; but has paired off for a time with a Conservative Member, in expectation that his health will improve.

Among the recent Anti-League meetings in Scotland, the most notable is one in Edinburgh, on the 14th, Sir John Hope presiding ; remarkable, however, only for being held in the capital.

A great public meeting was held in Glasgow Trades Hall, on Monday, to consider the state of Ireland. The Lord Provost presided : Mr. James Oswald, the Member, was present, as well as most of the leading Liberals ; and the hall was crowded in every part. Resolutions were passed unanimously, pointing with alarm to the present state of Ireland, as being on the verge of anarchy and civil war, urging large measures of reform and a complete change in the system of adtninistra- tion, perfect equality of political, municipal, and religious rights, and the total abolition of the Irish Church Establishment. The speakers stoutly condemned the project of endowing the Catholic clergy. It was also resolved to present petitions, embodying the resolutions, to the Queen and both Houses of Parliament.