24 JANUARY 1891, Page 1

Mr. Gladstone is very much elated at the result of

the 'Hartlepool election, and declares that it is far the most important election since 1886. "Tile limits of a message," be telegraphs, "preclude my giving my full meaning, but all must see that the simple figures of the poll reduce to dust and ashes the declarations of Lord Salisbury, Sir Henry james, Mr. Goschen, and the Duke of Westminster, on what they call • recent events.'" Apparently the "limits of a message" did not preclude Mr. Gladstone from re- aenting the not very injurious phrase,. "recent events," or he would not have taken the trouble to insert the words " what they call," which we presume to mean the same as

what they miscall," before these rather neutral words. We suppose the words "dust and ashes" are used to express that the hopes of Lord Salisbury, Sir Henry James, Mr. Goschen, and the Duke of Westminster, drawn from "recent events," are dead, and on the eve of burial; but we do not think that so narrow a majority as that gained at Hartlepool, even though it gained the Gladstonisms a seat, is enough to convince any reasonable person that "recent events" will not yet turn the scales against the Irish Home-rulers in a considerable number of English constituencies. It is not by such a place as Hartle- pool that that question can be adequately answered.