Mr. Gladstone Is Very Much Elated At The Result Of
the 'Hartlepool election, and declares that it is far the most important election since 1886. " Tile limits of a message," be telegraphs, "preclude my giving my full meaning,......
Lord Salisbury Made A Very Effective Speech At Cambridge On
Wednesday, to a meeting of more than three thousand Unionists. He did not agree in the least with Mr. Morley's assertion that on the eve of the Eccles election, the Hotac- rule......
News Of The Week.
W E have lost the Hartlepool election by a majority of 298 against n a. Sir William Gray polled 4,305 votes, against 4,603 given to Mr. Furness, the Gladstonian candidate. The......
Parliament Met On Thursday In A Very Tame Mood. Lord
Salisbury promised the House of Lords that it should soon have the Tithe Bill, and the Bill for establishing a new mode of dealing with the Scotch Private Bills, sent up to it......
Mr. Parnell, Who Has Summoned The Home-rule Members To...
Parliament as if be were still their chief, while Mr. McCarthy has issued no notice, made on Saturday a speech at Tralee, on which we have commented sufficiently elsewhere. It......
Notice To Advertisers.
With the " SPECTATOR" of Saturday, Janugry 31st, will be issued, gratis, a SPECIAL LITERARY SUPPLEMENT, the outside pages 'of which will be devoted to Advertisements. To secure......