Mr. Price Hughes On Ireland.
[TO THE EDITOR OF TI R "SPECTATOR"] Sin,—The difficulty in accepting Mr. Price Hughes's challenge is his impenetrable ignorance about Ireland and things Irish. It is like......
[to The Ieditor Of The " Spectator." J Sir, — Will You
allow me—as a Nonconformist of a somewhat extreme type, and at the same time a staunch Unionist—to try whether I can throw any light on the interesting questiona raised in your......
[to The Editor Of Thz " Spectator,"]
SIR,—I wish, with your permission, to refer to one or two points on which Mr. Price Hughes touches in his letter pub- lished in the Spectator of January 17th, and on which you......
The Post Office At Lincoln.
[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR,"1 SIR,—" Canonicus " must have eaten well, slept heavily, and dreamed of the subject of his letter to the Spectator. I have made inquiries at......
Foreign Languages At The Post Office.
[To THE EDITOR OF TUE " SPECTATOR."] SIR,—I think I can cap the story which " Canonicus " tells in the Spectator of January 17th; and show, too, that whatever may be the case in......