Parliament met on Thursday in a very tame mood. Lord
Salisbury promised the House of Lords that it should soon have the Tithe Bill, and the Bill for establishing a new mode of dealing with the Scotch Private Bills, sent up to it for con- sideration; and in the House of Commons, the last-mentioned Bill passed its second reading by the respectable majority of 64, in spite of Mr. Campbell-Bannerman's resistance, and was re- ferred to a Select Committee which is not expected to be very dilatory. But the elements of conflict are not yet drawn together at Westminster, and we doubt not that within another week we shall see signs of reviving obstruction. On the one hand, the two Irish parties want to show each other that each of them is determined not to be outdone by the other in inde- pendence; and on the other hand, the Gladstonians are thirsting for a new attack on the Government, and so much cheered by the Hartlepool victory that they feel quite equal to the aseault.